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About Us

Indoc Europe is an affiliate of Indoc Research which evolved from the Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network (OCBN), which was established in Toronto, Canada in 2005 with support from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and the Ministry of Research and Innovation.​​


OCBN was given a mandate to support cancer researchers in their search for proteomic and genomic biomarkers. Over time, this role evolved to manage data from many other diseases resulting in expansion of its informatics and data management capabilities. OCBN was rebranded in 2014 to Indoc Research.​​


In 2016, Indoc transitioned its molecular laboratory operations into a separate entity in order to focus on its informatics operations.  In 2021, Indoc Research Europe gGmbH was launched to manage operations in Europe. ​​


For years, Indoc built data management solutions, in 2023, Indoc spun-out a new for-profit entity, Indoc Systems, focused on commercialization of Indoc’s SaaS data management platform – Pilot. This allowed Indoc Research to focus on nucleating and growing multi-disciplinary data partnerships and associated analytics activities. ​​


Indoc Europe Team

Stephane Pollentier
Stephane Pollentier

Managing Director

Vadym Moshynskyi
Vadym Moshynskyi

Senior Software Developer

Antonio Pinheiro Cascais
Antonio Pinheiro Cascais

Senior Devops Specialist

Dennis Doll
Dennis Doll

Director Data Science Europe

Matvey Loshakov
Matvey Loshakov

Senior Software Developer

Carlos Montesinos Estrada
Carlos Montesinos Estrada

Senior Devops Specialist

Imprint / Impressum

Indoc Research Europe gGmbH


Alfred-Mumbächer-Str. 41 

55128 Mainz 



Telephone: +49 173 723 89 32




Company Registration / Register Court

Amtsgericht Mainz, HRB 50510


VAT Number



Managing Director:

Stephane Pollentier



Die Einhaltung der satzungsmäßigen Voraussetzungen nach den §§ 51, 59, 60 und 61 AO in unserer Körperschaftssatzung vom

07.05.2021 wurde vom Finanzamt Mainz mit Bescheid vom 19.07.2021 nach § 60a AO gesondert festgestellt. Die Körperschaft fördert folgende gemeinnützige Zwecke: Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung (§ 52 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr.(n) 1 AO).​​​

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